Friday, November 21, 2008

wild rice stuffed tomatoes

2 cups amaranth
2 cups black wild rice
5 cups brown rice
medium or large tomatoes, about 1 per person
fresh herbs: tarragon, sage, thyme, rosemary
salt and pepper
3 tablespoons Earth Balance (or butter, or some other margarine)
whole green lettuce leaves
Fromage Blanc

To cook the amaranth: mix the dry grain with 6 cups of water. Bring the mix to a boil, then turn down the heat and simmer for 25 minutes. To cook the black wild rice: mix the rice with 4 cups of water. Bring the mix to a boil, then turn down the heat and simmer for 50 minutes. To cook the brown rice: use the large rice cooker, and mix the rice with 12 cups of water. The rice cooker takes care of the timing. When all the grains are cooked, mix them together, add the Earth Balance and salt and pepper. Chop the tarragon, sage, thyme and rosemary and mix them in.

Next you have to scoop out the "guts" of the tomatoes. Cut each tomato in half and scoop out the inside with a spoon. Fill each tomato with some rice. If you have extra rice, make a nice bed in a baking dish and nestle the tomatoes on top. If you don't have extra rice, just put the tomatoes in a baking dish. Put them in the oven at 350 F for "a while" - basically, until the tomatoes look tasty to you.

Serve the rice and tomatoes on a large leaf of lettuce and, optionally, add a dollop of fromage blanc on top. (Two 8-ounce containers of fromage blanc should do it.)

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